Baking Gingerbread Men
We had previously gone on a trip to Lidl to buy our ingredients to make a Gingerbread man, as a group we then worked together to measure and mix the ingredients. It was important we used the scales and added the correct amount of ingredients to ensure the correct ratios. We read and followed the…
Remarkable writing
This week in writing we have written our independent write which was an alternative retell of the story 'The Firework Maker's Daughter'. Year 4 have thoroughly enjoyed this text and again, which is not a surprise, have impressed us with their writing especially their use of a range of punctuation…
Tricky Time
In Maths this week, we have started our new topic on time. Year 4 have found time rather tricky but have shown fantastic resilience in their maths lessons. At the beginning of the week, we focussed upon telling the time to the hour and to 5 minutes, this has now become a strength in year 4. Keep…
Jack and the…… ocean?
Year 1 have been superb authors when writing their alternative retell of Jack and the Beanstalk. They changed characters, settings and key events in the story. During their independent write the children used adjectives, suffix’s, and conjunction - some even used speech marks correctly without any…
Never let your past destroy your future…
What a fantastic Art lesson we have had learning all about the messages behind Banksy’s art. We created our own whole class message and completed our own art work based on that, they were phenomenal!
Story Tellers
It was lovely to see the children share a story after working so hard this week on our Secret Agent Training (SATS)
Hockey game
In hockey this week Year 3, worked on their ball control and then finished the lesson with a hockey match.
Fantastic flower formations!
Year five Dolphin Class had a curiously creative time in their art lesson this week, making £D flowers from a variety of different papers.
Cool Computing!
Y4 were really excited to be back on the laptops and building their skills in using 2Logo. This week, we learnt how to use the ‘Repeat’ command to create a range of 2D shapes. Some children even managed to use this command to make a ten-sided shape and a circle! Keep up the enthusiasm for…
Superb Science!
This afternoon in Science, Y4 made drums out of classroom objects to investigate sound vibrations. We worked in groups and placed rice on our drums and observed to see how much the rice moved when tapping the drum with a different amount of fingers each time. This was a great way to explore the…
Subtraction facts
We have been learning about subtraction this week. We practised our verbal recall of subtraction facts within 5, using a prompt (e.g. number line) if/when required. Once we had worked out the answer, we wrote the number sentence to represent each subtraction fact.
Hot Seating Characters!
This week we have read the Gingerbread Man story, the children took part in hot seating to discuss the ideas and thoughts of different characters. We then wrote what we thought the characters would say to each other in the story.
The children focused on using clear finger spaces and applying…