17 October 2022


Our children worked incredibly hard during their independent writes - I am so very proud.

In our Maths lessons, we have approached the tricky subject of long division! This is a concept which some of us found very difficult, and this is okay. We have spent the week practicing the skill of long…

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17 October 2022


It's coming to the end of the half term and wow do we need a break! Puffins class has working so hard! Come and see what learning has taken place on the last week before half term break.

In English this week we have ended our topic of Little Red Riding Hood by completing our setting description…

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17 October 2022

WB 17.10.22

It has been a fantastic half term in Year 2 and the last week of term involved lots of learning as always! We hope you have a fantastic half term with lots of fun and laughter :)

In English this week we have ended our topic of Little Red Riding Hood by completing our setting description of the…

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17 October 2022


We started the week with a Science investigation. We sought to classify organisms in our local area. To do so, we went on a nature hunt! We found a range of organisms, took pictures of them and then returned to class t9 classify them using our knowledge of classification trees. 

We loved…

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17 October 2022



In English this week, we have been focusing on writing a retell of the story Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We focused on the skills of using adjectives and also proper nouns when naming the characters in the story. We broke the story down into the beginning, middle and end to support…

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Image of W/C 17.10.22
17 October 2022

W/C 17.10.22

Well I can't believe we have reached the end of this half term, it has simply flown by. However it feels like the children have been part of Seal Class for much longer as they have just adapted and settled so well, always showing the school values and eager to learn. They really have been…

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10 October 2022

Week beginning 10/10/22

A brilliant week of learning in Dolphin Class!

Our English learning this week has been focused around a new writing genre, first person alternative recount.  We began reading a new story within our text called Cinderayla. We discovered that it was loosely based on the traditional fairy story of…

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Image of WC10.10.22
10 October 2022


Another week has passed in Y4 Manatees and as we edge closer to half term the children continue to produce some fantastic work! Take a look below to see what we have been learning about all this week.


In Grammar this week we have focused on tense. In particular we focused on using…

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Image of WB 10.10.22
10 October 2022

WB 10.10.22

This week, we learnt about our houses and homes. We looked at different types of houses and discussed which type of house we live in. We also explored what types of materials houses are made from. The children looked at materials and described their textures, whilst also thinking about what makes…

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10 October 2022



In Grammar this week we have focussed on writing in the past perfect and past progressive tense. We understand now that past perfect is used to showcase a complete action in the past, whereas the past progressive tense is used to talk about an action that occurred over a period of time…

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Image of WB 10.10.22
10 October 2022

WB 10.10.22

This week we have moved our learning on, discussing where we live. The children know they live in a house and our learning has focused around the material of the house. We have learnt the house is made of bricks, it has glass windows and maybe a plastic door. 

The children have explored a…

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10 October 2022

WB 10.10.2022

We have had a very busy but excellent week in Jellyfish this week. We have been working hard on ways to demonstrate our value of the week this week, which has been excellence and there have been some fabulous examples from all of us! 


In our English lessons this week we have spent…

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