Image of WB 12.09.22
12 September 2022

WB 12.09.22

Welcome to Duck Class! We have had the most amazing week in class. The children are settled, comfortable with their environment and it has been a delight getting to know each one of them individually. I am so proud of them already for showing determination, excellence and courage this week, it…

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Image of WB 12.09.2022
12 September 2022

WB 12.09.2022

What a fantastic start to Year 3 we have had together in Jellyfish during our first full week together! I am so proud of each and every child and their achievements already in just one week! I can't wait to share our learning with you! 


Our text this half term is Hansel and Gretel…

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Image of WB 12.09.2022
12 September 2022

WB 12.09.2022

We started this week with a fantastic lesson all about past and present progressive tense. First of all we recapped our knowledge of past and present tense and then learned all about changing the verb 'to be' to past and present progressive. We had super recall at this! After this, we were able to…

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12 September 2022


In Maths, we have continued to look at the topic of place value when considering ordering and comparing numbers.

In English, we have magpied vocabulary and used this in setting descriptions about a harbour. We have focused on the skills of prepositional phrases and adverbial in varied…

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12 September 2022


Our first full week in Year 2! We are so grown up! Come and see what we have been learning...


In English, we have been sharing the story of Little Red Riding Hood with the aim to write a third person re- tell. Before we dive straight in to an independent write, it is important that we…

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Image of WB 12.09.22
12 September 2022

WB 12.09.22

What a fantastic start to our Year 2 journey this week! We have come to school with great attitudes to learning and we’re settling into the new routines, well done Penguins! 

In English this week we have introduced our new text Little Red Riding Hood, we read the story and created a story map…

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Image of 12.09.22
12 September 2022



In year 1 this week, we have been beginning to learn about how to write SUPER SENTANCES!

We started our learning with unscrambling sentences , which helped us to understand that sentences must included all words and make sense! Next, we learnt that all sentences must include…

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12 September 2022


What a fantastic first full week of learning we have had in Whales class. The pupils have embraced their new responsibility of being in Year 6 and have worked hard across all of their subjects. 
In English, we have been exploring WAGOLLS of setting descriptions in order to immerse ourselves in…

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12 September 2022

Week beginning 12/09/22

Hello and welcome to Narwhals Class, here you can find out all about our learning for the week!

We have had a brilliant first full week, the children have settled in brilliantly and it is like they have been here for months! They have worked very hard with their first proper week of lessons and…

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Image of W/C 12.09.22
12 September 2022

W/C 12.09.22

What a sensational first, full week of learning the children have had in Seal class this week.

I am exceptionally proud of each and every child, not only have they adapted so well to the change in routines we have in Year 1, they have also applied themselves, giving 110% in all that they do.…

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Image of WB 5.09.22
5 September 2022

WB 5.09.22

Welcome to our Nursery blog, each week our blog will be updated with this weeks learning with a variety of text and pictures and you will also be able to see our classroom provision each week as it develops and changes. 

What an amazing first few days we have had, It has been lovely getting to…

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5 September 2022


In English, we created scenes from our class text, ‘The Girl of Ink and Stars’.

In Geography, we found the Amazon using maps, atlases and digital mapping.

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