Image of 10.10.22
10 October 2022



This week the seagulls worked hard to write their setting description of the forest. They made sure to include appropriate adjectives to describe the nouns. They also ensured they had all punctuation required to make a super sentence!  Miss Barker and I were extremely proud of the work…

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10 October 2022

Week beginning 10/10/22

Week 6 has been a very busy week with the effects of the first half term now taking its toll on the children, despite this they have continued to work hard and try their best with their learning, resulting in a lovely week. 

Our English learning this week has been focused around a new writing…

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Image of W/C 31.10.22
10 October 2022

W/C 31.10.22

What a super week we have had in Seals Class! The children have all come back to school raring to go. Our value this half term is friendship. We will be talking about what makes a good friend and what friendship is. We looked at the story Toy Story to help us understand friendship. 

In English…

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10 October 2022

W/C 10.10.22

This week's value of the week was excellence. Throughout the week, the children have all shown excellence in a number of ways and were all able to give examples of what excellence looks like. This week we have been celebrating world mental health day. We talked about the importance of a healthy…

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3 October 2022

Week beginning 03/10/22

An amazing week of learning in Dolphin Class!

In our English learning this week, we've continued our work relating to our third person re-tell.  We began the week looking at the correct use of the determiners 'a' and 'an'. We re-visited our year three learning - reminding ourselves of the…

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Image of WC03.10.22
3 October 2022


We have completed another super week in our first Autumn term. Lots of fantastic learning has taken place, take a look below to see what we have been learning about this week.


In Grammar this week we have focused on different sentence types. We have learnt about 4 different types of…

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Image of WB 03.10.22
3 October 2022

WB 03.10.22

This week, we have been learning all about our family. We looked at photographs of our family members and shared these with one another. We practised speaking in full sentences and used our listening skills to listen carefully to our friends. Thank you for sending in these photos - the…

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3 October 2022


We have completed another amazing week this Autumn term. Take a look below to see what we have been learning about. 


In Grammar this week we have been focusing on using different sentence types: statement sentences, command sentences, exclamation sentences, and question sentences.…

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Image of WB 3.10.22
3 October 2022

WB 3.10.22

This week in Duck class we have been learning all about our immediate family. Thank you so much for bringing in your family photos, this has had a huge impact on the children's learning as they have been able to discuss and explain each person who is in their family. I am super proud of the…

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Image of WB 03.10.2022
3 October 2022

WB 03.10.2022

We have had a sensational week in Jellyfish class this week and completed lots of challenging learning while consistently showing our school values!


In our English lessons this week we have started our final genre of writing for this half term, alternative versions. We have spent…

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Image of Week commencing 3rd October
3 October 2022

Week commencing 3rd October

This week we have continued our learning around the focus of the song 'heads, shoulders, knees and toes' but instead of focusing on facial features we have looked at other parts of our bodies. This is happening during our carpet sessions, independent provision and in adult led activities. From…

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Image of WB 03.10.2022
3 October 2022

WB 03.10.2022

What another busy week the children have had in class. They have produced some excellent work and we are incredibly proud of each and every one of them!


In literacy this week the children have continued to look at the story of Baba Yaga and a range of alternative traditional tales.…

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