Image of 26/09/22
26 September 2022


This week, despite the sniffles that the cold weather has bought on, we have worked tremendously well in all our learning. We continue to be the best that we can be!

In English, we are aiming to write a character description of the wolf from the story Little Red Riding Hood. We will be writing…

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Image of 19/09/22
19 September 2022


This week we have published our first piece of writing in English and continued the place value topic in Maths.

In English, to work towards writing a re-tell for Little Red Riding Hood, we planned what writing skills we would include for each part. We spoke about the different word types that…

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12 September 2022


Our first full week in Year 2! We are so grown up! Come and see what we have been learning...


In English, we have been sharing the story of Little Red Riding Hood with the aim to write a third person re- tell. Before we dive straight in to an independent write, it is important that we…

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