Image of Australian Animals
17 May 2024

Australian Animals

Today in geography we have been looking at Australian animals and how they have adapted to their climate. Children used their iPads to find out lots fascinating facts. 

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Image of Internet searching
29 April 2024

Internet searching

In computing we have continued to look at effective searching online. Today we have used our searching skills to answer questions about Dinosaurs. We have looked at how when we search online it creates a digital footprint.

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Image of Effective searching
19 April 2024

Effective searching

Today in computing we started a unit looking at effective searching. We completed a quiz to secure our knowledge and understanding from the lesson. We even completed the closed procedure sentences using all the new key vocabulary we had learned. 

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Image of World Book Day Fun
7 March 2024

World Book Day Fun

This morning for World Book Day we have been looking at the story Matilda. We drew our favourite character from the text and used our iPads to animate them and bring them to life. We had so much fun doing this and the result was fantastic. Look out for the video to follow!

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Image of Engaging in Maths
7 March 2024

Engaging in Maths

Year 6 have been using their iPads to work though Maths problems with their teacher. Using our technology means that all children are engaged and taking an active role in every lesson. 

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Image of Internet Safety
22 February 2024

Internet Safety

We discussed how to stay safe on the internet. After talking about the different types of devices that allow us to access the internet, we spoke about our own experiences and what we use the internet for. We then discussed how to stay safe, including asking an adult for help if we see something…

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Image of Stop Motion
22 December 2023

Stop Motion

We took part in Enrichment this morning, using Stop Motion to create short films. Using models that we created ourselves, we took pictures to create our own animations. The results were amazing! Well done everyone! 

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Image of Garage Band enrichment
22 December 2023

Garage Band enrichment

Our Garage Band superstars produced some fantastic music including in a dance style, acoustic and even music from other cultures.

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Image of I pad painting
20 November 2023

I pad painting

Today we used our i pad to create pictures of hedgehogs. We used different colours and techniques to draw their spikes, spines and to add detail to our picture. 

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Image of Amazing I pad art!
20 November 2023

Amazing I pad art!

Today in computing we used a paint programme on purple mash to create our own hedgehog, linked to our non chronological report in writing. The children worked extremely hard and paid great attention to detail. What super stars

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Image of Children in Need!
17 November 2023

Children in Need!

During our class assembly we discussed Children in Need. We learnt what ‘charity’ and ‘fundraising’ means. In our computing lesson, we have logged on to Purple Mash using a username and password and we used the paint tool to draw our own picture of the emblem, Pudsey…

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Image of Fascinating facts!
8 November 2023

Fascinating facts!

Today we researched lots of wonderful facts about hedgehogs to help us with our non chronological report. We focused on their appearance, diet and habitat. We even found some fascinating wow facts too. 

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