Forest school - Lets get arty! (After school)
Today we used a range of natural resources to make a range of creative makes. We hope you like them!
Write like an Egyptian
Today we had so much fun pretending to write like an Egyptian; using hieroglyphics. We learned about how the Ancient Egyptians used symbols and pictures to communicate and had a go at writing using them by ourselves.
What should they eat?
Today we enjoyed looking at different food labels to decide what certain people should eat. We learned that what people should eat depends on their age, size, level of exercise and gender. We then looked at what an athlete would need to eat. After deciding they needed carbohydrates for energy, we…
Forest school (after school)
Today the children investigated for bugs and made their own paint from mud!
Week 3, Forest School. Den Building!
Amazing team work today, well done Year 3!
Week 2, Forest School. Tied up in knots and mud painting!
Fun in the sun, today we painted with mud, showed super team work by making picture frame and hunted for bugs!
Week 1, Forest School
What an amazing first session, we are all so very excited!
Exciting Emotions
Today we learned about different emotions in our story. We learned lots of new vocabulary and come up with actions and facial expressions to explain their meaning. We then thought about how Hansel and Gretel would feel at the different parts in our story ready for our re-tell next week!
Forest school (after school)
Year three had an amazing time building on the skills they have learnt in Fridays sessions, building a pyramid with their wonderful knot tying skills , finding bugs and starting to name them - the centipedes were very fast we couldn’t catch them! Some enjoyed some observational drawing, a very…
Feature Finding
We were excited today to use our yellow highlighters in Writing! We were on the hunt for features we would find in a Narrative. We learned about using cliffhangers for suspense and dialogue to show what they characters were saying. After searching we made our own writing checklist which we will…
iPad Training
We were lucky enough to have a special visitor in school to teach us how to use our iPads for learning. We used an app called KeyNote to create our own story of Hansel and Gretel using pictures, audio and text. We had SO much fun and showed our visitor what an amazing school we are! Well…
Latin Launch
Today we had our first Latin lesson using our textbooks. We learned how to ask somebody who they were and how to reply. We then labelled a Latin family with their names, learning that for males ‘us’ is added at the end of his name and for a female ‘a’ is added at the end of her name.