Number bonds within 10!
We have used part whole models and cubes to practically make number bonds within 10. We have shown different ways to make the same number. Some of us even wrote the addition number sentence for each one!
Our new topic in Maths this week has been fractions! We are really proud of how well Year 5 have been able to recall their prior knowledge of fractions and apply their skills to find fractions that are equivalent.
Part Whole Model
We have begun to use part whole models. We have used cubes to make the parts and then counted them altogether to write the whole. Some children turned their part whole model on its side or even upside down but still used the part whole model correctly!
We’re going on a shape hunt!
Today the children used their knowledge of circles and triangles to hunt for shapes in the outdoor area. They quickly spotted lots of circles but had to search harder to spot the triangles. We are shape detectives in reception!
We have used cubes to practically order them from smallest to greatest or greatest to smallest. We have also wrote the numbers underneath the concrete representations.
Equivalent Fractions!
Last week, we started our new Maths topic of ‘Fractions’. Our first lesson involved finding equivalent fractions and writing fractions in their simplest form. Fractions is a tricky topic in Y6 but we have no doubt Y6 will show their determination and resilience with their fractions…
Comparing amounts
We have used the mathematical vocabulary greater than, less than and equal to, to compare amounts practically using the correct symbols.
Representing numbers within 3!
Today in maths we have been representing numbers within 3! We are super mathematicians in reception.
Mathematical vocabulary
We have compared groups of amount using the vocabulary fewer, more and the same. The children used counters, cubes or compare bears to make two groups and then verbally said if the groups were fewer, more or the same - “I have fewer counters than cubes. I have more cubes than counters.” They all…
Inverse operation
This week in Maths, we have been focussing on using the inverse operation to check our answers. This is something Year 5 found quite difficult at first but have shown great resilience within their Maths lessons.
Number Blocks
Today we worked in groups to make number blocks! We recapped the numbers 0 and 1, and incorporated our new number 2. The children did super and they can all recognise numbers 0,1 and are recognising 2 with little support.
We worked together to count out cubes and make up numbers within 2, we…
One less!
We have practically worked out what one less of a given number is using the tens frames and the cubes. We made the number that was written on our tens frame, took one cube away and verbally said what one less of the given number is.