Image of 26.09.22
26 September 2022



In English this week we have been working on writing a character description. Earlier in the week we completed a guided write for Daddy Bear describing both his appearance and personality. We worked to include all the features of a sentence including capital letters, finger spaces and…

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Image of 19.09.22
19 September 2022



This week, we have been working on counting backwards from any given number to 20. The children did really well with this and in order to secure this further we have been playing lots of games during our numbers and patterns daily lessons. We have also been looking at representing numbers…

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Image of 12.09.22
12 September 2022



In year 1 this week, we have been beginning to learn about how to write SUPER SENTANCES!

We started our learning with unscrambling sentences , which helped us to understand that sentences must included all words and make sense! Next, we learnt that all sentences must include…

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