Forest School Fun!
For our last Forest School session this academic year, we celebrated by enjoying a toasted marshmallow, more den building (this is our favourite activity), mud painting and chalking. The children truly do thrive in outdoor learning!
Celebrating Eid!
This afternoon, we had a lovely time celebrating Eid Mubarak! Thankyou Miss Nisa!
Symmetric figures!
This week in Maths, we addressed our misconceptions surrounding symmetric figures!
Representing Numbers
Super maths outside! We have been representing numbers and learning the correct formation through the number rhymes. I was amazed at their efforts. Well done Nursery.
People Who Help Us
This week we have learnt about people who help us. We have been focusing on what they look like and how to spot them in the community, this may be by their uniform, what vehicles the drive or certain places. we have began to talk about how they help us and we will continue this in more depth next…
Pre Writing Shapes
We have been getting ready for reception by reviewing our pre writing shape progress. I am so proud of the progression in our pencil control and I can see lots of different lines and shapes being formed.
this is the first step in reception to prepare them for their writing and they are already…
Moving Pictures!
We have explored using a mechanism to make a picture move. We made a lever using card and held it in place with a split pin pivot. I cannot wait for our end product!
Practise makes perfect!
This week during PE we have practised for our upcoming Sports Day! We have practised a sprint, sack races and an assault course.
Sharing into equal groups
In Maths this week, we have been exploring sharing amounts into equal groups. We learnt that equal means 'the same'. We worked out which numbers we could share equally between two groups, and which we could not. If we had one beanbag left over, we knew that number could not be equally…
Father's Day cards
We made Father's Day cards for our dads to show our appreciation for all that they do for us. We decorated the front of our card by colouring and sticking, and then wrote a message inside. We are looking forward to giving our cards to our loved ones on Sunday. Happy Father's Day!
Islam bursts out of Arabia
This week in History we have been learning all about how Islam burst out of Arabia!
Tricky apostrophes!
This week in Writing we have addressed our misconceptions surrounding using apostrophes for possession. This is something year 4 have been finding really tricky but this week they have showed fantastic determination and resilience! Well done!