Hand art to create a menorah
We used our hands and sponges to create menorah art, as part of our learning about the festival of Hanukkah. We carefully positioned our fingers to create nine candles before adding the flames to the candles using a sponge. We discussed the significance of the menorah to Hanukkah.
Musical maestros
Year 6 used music technology to practice composing four bar melodies. We experimented with pitch by using a piano keyboard, seeing how the notes move on the musical stave.
Den building!
Year two showed our school values today by working together in teams to create and build a den. They showed super team work, determination, communication skills and friendship by supporting and encouraging eachother.
Clay, bugs and mud!
Year 4 had great fun making clay creatures, mud paint and mini habitats for worms!
Sorting Objects by Size
The children have been great at identifying and using the vocabulary 'big and small'. We looked at a range of objects from the environment and sorted them into groups in pairs. We told our friends why we thought one was big and one was small.
Sorting Objects by Size
The children have been great at identifying and using the vocabulary 'big and small'. We looked at a range of objects from the environment and sorted them into groups in pairs. We told our friends why we thought one was big and one was small.
Canvas Painting
Today we began creating our art inspired by textile artists by painting our sea inspired background on fabric. We found it tricky at first but the results were great!
Fine Motor Rangoli Patterns!
This week we have been learning how Hindu's celebrate Diwali. We looked at 'Rangoli Patterns'. These are patterns drawn on the ground and traditionally decorated in sand. We loved the look of them and used our fine motor skills to decorate our own.
We used the tweezers to pick up different…
I pad painting
Today we used our i pad to create pictures of hedgehogs. We used different colours and techniques to draw their spikes, spines and to add detail to our picture.
How can the ocean effect the weather?
In Geography this week, we learnt about how the oceans regulate temperature, rainfall and gases in the air. We then discussed how the atmosphere is like a greenhouse around the Earth and this is called the Greenhouse Effect.
Super subtraction
Today we used base ten to help us in subtracting across the ten. We used the base ten to help us with our understanding of exchanging.
Amazing I pad art!
Today in computing we used a paint programme on purple mash to create our own hedgehog, linked to our non chronological report in writing. The children worked extremely hard and paid great attention to detail. What super stars