Image of WC 31.10.22
31 October 2022

WC 31.10.22

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a lovely, restful break over half term. This week we have settled back in with our learning quickly, take a look below to find out more.


On Tuesday we were introduced to our new class text 'Charlotte's web', we explored the front cover, using our…

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Image of WB 31/10/22
31 October 2022

WB 31/10/22

This term we will be learning about different celebrations. As part of the children's learning they must understand that people celebrate different traditions and discuss how these celebrations take place. We will recognise similarities and differences between different celebrations and know that…

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Image of WB 31.10.22
31 October 2022

WB 31.10.22

We have had such a phenomenal first week back. We couldn't have had a better start to our second half term as a class! Miss French is so impressed with what we have remembered from Autumn 1! 


We have started reading a new text for this half term. Peter Pan written by J.M Barrie. This…

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Image of Week Commencing 31st October 2022
31 October 2022

Week Commencing 31st October 2022

Firstly happy November, I can't believe we are 11 months into the year, time does fly when you are having fun! I hope you all had a fantastic half term doing lots of lovely things together, the children have been telling us all about their adventures such as going to Alton Towers, pumpkin picking…

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Image of WB 31.10.2022
31 October 2022

WB 31.10.2022

We hope you have all had a lovely half term break with your family and friends! 

This week in English we have started a new text, Peter Pan! 

We are so excited to learn all about the adventures of Peter Pan and have begun learning about some of the characters in the story as we are writing a…

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31 October 2022

WB 31/10/22

In Maths, the experts became the teachers of their table when addressing misconceptions around angles in a triangle!

We have seen some outstanding examples of using high level adjectives and powerful verbs to describe Joeys journey through the trenches in ‘War Horse’.

We began our new topic…

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Image of 31/10/22
31 October 2022


This week we have come back to school with such a positive attitude and ready for new learning! We have well and truly settled into Year 2! To start the week off, Miss Cawley had a huge pumpkin for us to carve. We had brilliant discussions about farming and pumpkin carving.

In English we have…

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Image of W.B 31.10.22
31 October 2022

W.B 31.10.22

This week we have come back to school with such a positive attitude. We have tried so hard with our learning and Miss Smith is so pleased with the progress we are making. Well done Penguins!

In English we have began our new story 'The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark' by Jill Tomlinson. Before…

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31 October 2022


This week, we have been exploring angles in Maths, War Horse in English and tasting different foods and condiments in Design and technology. 

In English this week, we started our brand new book-War Horse by Michael Morpurgo! It is a gritty tale of Albert and Joey (two best friends of different…

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Image of 31.10.22
31 October 2022


What a wonderful first with of Autumn 2!

The Seagulls class have come back with super attitudes, ready to learn! 

Our value for this half term is friendship. We are going to be learning all about what it means to be a good friend.


In English this week we have started a new text…

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31 October 2022

W.B: 31/10/22

Welcome back to another half term in Narwhal Class! We wasted no time jumping into our learning and already it's looking like it'll be a fun one.

In our English learning, we started our new text 'Goodnight Mister Tom'. This is a text I remember doing as a child and to see the children get so…

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Image of WB 17.10.22
22 October 2022

WB 17.10.22

We have had a fantastic week in Duck class! We have been learning all about Harvest. We have discussed what harvest is, why we celebrate and learnt some facts about Harvest. We have been practising our Harvest songs for a few days now and I know the children have been working hard at home with…

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