In art this week, we have been studying the artwork of ‘The Shoreditch Sketcher’ as part of our Architecture topic. We then used pencil to observe and draw the London skyline in the style of The Shoreditch Sketcher’.
Funky fingers!
Our year 2s got chatty making their chatter box’s today! They made them very colourful and shared some very kind and positive comments to each other!
Making visual notes in art
During todays art lesson ‘be an architect’ we looked at the artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser. We created visual notes in our sketch books noting key features of his work including colours and shapes that he used and added key words too. We really enjoyed completing…
Master Puppeteers
Year 6 have worked in teams to brainstorm ideas for their shadow puppet creations. They have considered the scenery, characters and what resources they will enquire to create their performance.
Funky Fingers Fun!
Our FS funky fingers got busy with the plasticine and enjoyed making lots of shapes and figures!
Be an Architect
In art we have learned all about architects and looking at different perspectives of of buildings and other structures. We looked at some famous buildings including the Taj Mahal, we then drew parts of the architecture to help us understand other people's work.
Today we lauded our Red2Blue initiative in school. This is about recognising when we’re in a ‘Red head’ feeling stuck, pressured or worried and how to get back into the ‘Blue head’ feeling content, determined and confident. We looked at the story ‘Small Things’ and created our own art based on the…
Year 6 completed some art using Zentangle patterns to show the complexities within the human mind as we work towards building resilience when moving from our Red to our Blue head during trickier times.
Fashion Designer
Today we have finalised our art project by using the patterns we painted to create clothes for our cardboard models. The use of colours and patterns has made each piece of art very unique!
Activism Posters!
For the last few weeks, Y6 have been creating activism posters inspired by something which they feel passionate about. We began our artistic journey by creating the canvas for our poster using wallpaper and a collaging method. This effect has been really effective in giving our posters an…
Sensational Sewing
Year 3 tried something new today - we used a needle and thread to add to our seascapes in art. Using white, blue and green thread we created patterns to add to our wonderful artwork. We found it tricky and a little bit fiddly but we showed determination and made great progress. Well done!
Budding artists
Year 6 have been creating a basis for their activist art over the past few weeks. They have layered different pieces of wallpaper to create a textured surface before painting it white. Over the coming weeks, they will add important messages and images to their art to convey powerful messages.