Fantastic flower formations!
Year five Dolphin Class had a curiously creative time in their art lesson this week, making £D flowers from a variety of different papers.
Andy Goldsworthy
This week Nursery are studying the artist Andy Goldsworthy. Yesterday we talked about Andy Goldsworthy and discussed his sculptures, the natural materials that he liked to use, where he produced his artwork and the shapes that we could see in his designs.
Today we went on a hunt around the…
Amazing Art!
This week Year 3 have looked at the artist Carl Warner who uses fruit and vegetables in his art work. The children have used this for inspiration and created their still life with different fruit and vegetables. We have been really impressed with the art work produced great work…
Amazing Art!
This half term we have been looking at the Art work created by the incredible artist Georgia O'Keeffe! We have made collages using images of her work and also practiced the skill of creating light and dark shadow effects using pencils! We have some amazing artists in Y4!
Wonderful weaving!
Today Puffins did some fantastic weaving, creating an under the sea placemat, making their own weft and carefully weaving strips of paper through the weft. Amazing efforts all around!
Nursery Ducklings Observational Flower Pictures
This week we have been talking about Spring and the different signs of Spring. One that we discussed was the fact that lots of flowers start to grow in Spring. On our creative table we enjoyed drawing observational pictures of a bunch of flowers. Our pictures were amazing!