WB 30.01.2023
We have had a marvellous week in Jellyfish this week and have really shown our value of the half term, determination in multiple ways.
In our English lessons we have be continuing our journey towards writing a persuasive letter to Mr Bumble at the workhouse! In Grammar on Monday we…
WB 23.01.2023
I am really proud of Jellyfish this week. You have really shown our value of the half term, determination. This has been across all areas of our learning. Well done!
In maths this week we have moved onto measurement. We have looked at measuring length in millimetres, centimetres and…
WB 16.01.2023
What we lovely week we have had this week! We have still been focusing on our value of the term determination and looking at different ways we can show this. Lots of us have recognised when we are in the learning pit this week and different ways we can get out of it! I am so proud of the children…
WB 09.01.2023
What a fantastic week we have had in Jellyfish class. To start the week we had an assembly with Mrs Willis to introduce our value of the term. This term it is determination. We have really worked hard this week at showing determination, especially in our maths and spelling lessons!
In English…
WB 02.01.2023
Welcome back and a happy new year!! We have hit the ground running in Year 3 Jellyfish this week and have shown all of our school values while doing so!
This week in English we have read our new text. We are reading the classic novel Oliver Twist. We absolutely love this book already! We have…
WB 28.11.22
This week we have had a very exciting week in Jellyfish class. On Thursday it was the 1st of December and when we walked into the classroom we have a special visitor! An Elf! So far he seems very cheeky as he was trying to change the day on Thursday and on Friday he even attempted one of our…
WB 21.11.22
Yet another fantastic week in Jellyfish this week! We have learnt a lot and even had time to learn a new game! Ask us to teach you at home! We are loving playing it in school.
This week we have worked towards writing a diary entry from the perspective of Wendy Darling from Peter…
WB 14.11.22
This week ended brilliantly as we all came to school in yellow or spotty clothes to raise money for the charity Children in Need!
This week in our English lessons we have started a new genre of writing, a diary entry. We have spent a lot of time familiarising ourselves with the…
WB 07.11.22
We have had a fantastic week in Jellyfish and have really worked hard on our value of the term, friendship!
We have been working hard on writing character descriptions of Peter Pan, Wendy and Tinkerbell. We have been using Captain Hook as a model to help us understand how to use…
WB 31.10.22
We have had such a phenomenal first week back. We couldn't have had a better start to our second half term as a class! Miss French is so impressed with what we have remembered from Autumn 1!
We have started reading a new text for this half term. Peter Pan written by J.M Barrie. This…
WB 17.10.2022
What a fabulous start to the week we had this week! In our celebration assembly we won the starfish time for having the highest attendance in Lower Key Stage Two!!
In our writing lessons this week we have been publishing our alternative versions of Hansel and Gretel. We have really…
WB 10.10.2022
We have had a very busy but excellent week in Jellyfish this week. We have been working hard on ways to demonstrate our value of the week this week, which has been excellence and there have been some fabulous examples from all of us!
In our English lessons this week we have spent…