Image of The Crystal Palace and the Great Exhibition
30 January 2024

The Crystal Palace and the Great Exhibition

Today in history we learned about what The Crystal Palace was and what you could see if you visited The Great Exhibition as well as who could go and visit. We used our iPads to record our answers. 

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Image of Funky fingers fun!
25 January 2024

Funky fingers fun!

Here are our year 2s getting super creative with the play dough! We had some very interesting and detailed models!

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Image of Playing and performing
24 January 2024

Playing and performing

Today we had lots of fun listening and responding to music. We also enjoyed playing and performing using the nots c, d, e. 

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Image of Making visual notes in art
22 January 2024

Making visual notes in art

During todays art lesson ‘be an architect’ we looked at the artist and architect Friedensreich Hundertwasser. We created visual notes in our sketch books noting key features of his work including colours and shapes that he used and added key words too. We really enjoyed completing…

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Image of Marble rolling and leaf rubbings
18 January 2024

Marble rolling and leaf rubbings

Today we stayed inside for Forest School as it was so cold outside. We used conkers and paint to create pieces of art using conker rolling and we also used dry leaves to create leaf rubbings. We had lots of fun!

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Image of Be an Architect
16 January 2024

Be an Architect

In art we have learned all about architects and looking at different perspectives of of buildings and other structures. We looked at some famous buildings including the Taj Mahal, we then drew parts of the architecture to help us understand other people's work. 

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Image of Forest school - tied up in knots
11 January 2024

Forest school - tied up in knots

Today we had lots of fun during our first Forest School session. We used sticks to create our very own pictures frames. We used string to attach the sticks together and worked hard to tie the string and make knots. Once completed we took pictures using our frames. We can’t wait for next weeks…

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Image of Super shapes!
7 December 2023

Super shapes!

Today we have been looking at the number of sides a 2D shape has. We worked hard to investigate what 3, 2D shapes we could create using only 15 lolly sticks. 

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Image of Letter Larry
28 November 2023

Letter Larry

Today we identified the features of a letter with the help of Letter Larry. We used talk for writing to help us recall the key features.

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Image of All about Josiah Wedgewood
24 November 2023

All about Josiah Wedgewood

In History we are continuing with our topic ‘The great change makers’, today we have focused on Josiah Wedgewood we have looked at what his famous Jasperware, which is his blue and white pottery. We used our i pads to record all the changes he help make to the country. 

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Image of Hot seating!
24 November 2023

Hot seating!

Today we used freeze framing to re enact  key elements of the story. We then created a bank of questions to ask Plop and used this to complete our hot seating. 

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Image of Den building!
22 November 2023

Den building!

Year two showed our school values today by working together in teams to create and build a den. They showed super team work, determination, communication skills and friendship by supporting and encouraging eachother.

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