Image of WB 10.10.22
10 October 2022

WB 10.10.22

This week has been a very busy week and we have worked hard to progress our learning in our lessons. We are becoming more confident every day and Miss Smith is very proud of us!

In English we had an exciting trip to the local forest to prepare us for our Setting Description next week. We walked…

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3 October 2022

WB 03.10.22

What a busy week we’ve had! We’ve achieved so much this week and Miss Smith is proud of how well we are recalling our learning more and more every day! 
In English we have continued preparing to write our Wanted Poster for the evil wolf! We began the week looking at conjunctions. We composed lots…

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Image of WB 26.09.22
26 September 2022

WB 26.09.22

This week we have made so much progress in all areas, I’m so impressed with Penguins attitude this week, well done! 
In English we have started our new genre - a Wanted Poster to describe. We are going to write a poster describing the villain of our story (the wolf) so that he can be caught! We…

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Image of WB 19.09.22
19 September 2022

WB 19.09.22

This week we have had another great week full of learning, it was lovely to meet the parents at our Meet The Teacher meeting on Wednesday. Thank you to everyone who attended.

In English we have completed our first independent write in Year 2, a re-tell of the story Little Red Riding Hood. We…

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Image of WB 12.09.22
12 September 2022

WB 12.09.22

What a fantastic start to our Year 2 journey this week! We have come to school with great attitudes to learning and we’re settling into the new routines, well done Penguins! 

In English this week we have introduced our new text Little Red Riding Hood, we read the story and created a story map…

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