Image of Piet Mondrian in ICT
11 July 2023

Piet Mondrian in ICT

In our ICT lessons, year 2 have been looking at the artwork of Piet Mondrian and trying to recreate his artwork using the laptops and tablets.  You can see from some of the children’s work that this is an artist who used lots of lines and bold colours in his paintings.

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Image of Monkey Forest
7 July 2023

Monkey Forest

We had the best time visiting the Monkey Forest at Trentham Gardens! We learned about where the monkeys live, their diet and behaviour. We had such a good time looking at the monkeys in their habitat and saw lots of baby monkeys too! 

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Image of Supersorting
4 July 2023


Year Two were busy sorting materials according to their different properties in Science this week.  They worked in small groups and had to find objects within the classroom and match theme to the property displayed on the label.  We soon realised that some objects fitted into 2 or moreā€¦

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Image of Deforestation Debate
3 July 2023

Deforestation Debate

We enjoyed using the opinion starters to argue why deforestation is a bad idea. We were very impressed with how many facts we remembered from last week! 

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Image of Eid Food Tasting
30 June 2023

Eid Food Tasting

Thank you so much for you kind donations of delicious food. The children were SO excited to try and it was a big thumbs up from us! 

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Image of Researchers in action
29 June 2023

Researchers in action

Year 2 were researchers in their English lesson today.  They used iPads to find information about deforestation, in preparation for writing their persuasive letter to the giants.  They recorded their findings on post-its before having a class discussion about their research.  

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Image of Feature Magpies
28 June 2023

Feature Magpies

We started a new genre today, a persuasive letter. We looked at examples and found the features, discussing what they mean. We did a great job! 

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Image of Impressionist Art
26 June 2023

Impressionist Art

We spent our Computing lesson using a painting programme to create our own Impressionist Style artwork. Look at this wonderful example: Night Sky by Izzy 

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Image of Dough people
22 June 2023

Dough people

Today we set our Funky Fingers the challenge of making a dough person, they did a fantastic job, what do you think?

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Image of Sports Day
22 June 2023

Sports Day

We had an amazing sports day with lots of us getting stickers! Despite it being very hot we had a lovely time and enjoyed being in the sunshine. 

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Image of Greta and the Giants
15 June 2023

Greta and the Giants

We absolutely loved role playing our new story Greta and the Giants. We completed freeze frames from different parts in the story to make sure we knew the sequence before writing a retell. 

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Image of Material Detectives
13 June 2023

Material Detectives

We had a great time looking for objects made from Materials we already knew to start our topic of Everyday Materials. We discovered there was LOTS of metal and plastic outside and more paper, cardboard and glass outside. Next week, we’ll look into their properties to discover why. 

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