Funky Favelas!
Today we have learned about the advantages and disadvantages of living in a favela. Did you know that in favelas there are no sewers or electricity provided!
Perfect Planning!
Today we have planned our first person diary entry ready for when we complete our independent writes next week. We ensured we included the correct Year 5 standards in our plan to really help us when we are writing next week!
Jack and the Beanstalk
We have worked in groups to create an adjective word bank to help us to describe Jack, the Giant and the Beanstalk. We can use these to support our writing!
Spring Spies!
We are learning about the season Spring! Today we have watched a video about nature in Spring and the changes that have happened from Winter. We have made observations about the plants and animals and recorded them in our books. Our minds are blooming with new knowledge!
Designing a house
We explored different construction materials and discussed which we could use to create a house. We spoke about the properties of the materials and considered their suitability. After this, we drew a plan of our house design. We are looking forward to building our houses next week!
Observing our caterpillars grow and change
Over the past few weeks we have been observing our class caterpillars grow and change. They have grown from tiny caterpillars to much bigger caterpillars, and then they turned into cocoons! We are excited to report that this week, two beautiful butterflies emerged from the cocoons! We have given…
Arabia and early Islam
In History this week, we Year 4 have started their new topic of Arabia and early Islam. We have been learning about what life was like in Makkah in 570!
String Telephones!
This week in Science Year 4 have been exploring how sound travels through different mediums. We created our very own String telephones to show this!
The Firework Maker's Daughter!
This week in writing Year 4 have started reading their brand new text for this term' The Firework Maker's Daughter'. We have created some role on the walls to begin to understand different characters thoughts, feelings and emotions.
Blists Hill
Today we went to Blists Hill Victorian Village, linked to our previous learning in history on the victorians. We dressed up as Victorian school children and went to a Victorian school room where we met Mrs McCallester. We discovered it was very different in a Victorian school. After lunch we went…
Exploring Our New Role Play
This week we have had a new role play area. This has supported our new topic ‘Amazing Animals’. The children have been using the names of the animals and we have been exploring how to care for animals and what they need.
We will be learning further about the care animals need, including…
Animal Textures,
Our new topic this term is ‘Amazing Animals’. We have been looking at different animals this week and talking about their names, what they look like, where they live and if we could have them as a pet or not.
We enjoyed talking about the animals that we have at home and animals that we have seen…