Classifying vertebrates!
This week in Science, Y6 have started a brand new topic entitled ‘Living things and their habitats’. For our first lesson, we used clues to try and classify a range of animals. Did you know a turtle is classified as a reptile and a bat is classified as a mammal?
Celery Success
Today Year 3 have learned about how water travels through a plant from the roots to the leaves. We then investigated this by using celery and food coloured water to observe the plant absorbing the colourful water. Look at our results and a fantastic example of the work that was produced!
Identifying geographical features in a traditional tale
Today the children identified different geographical features in the story ‘The Three Billy Goats Gruff’. They were able to identify and describe features such as the river, the mountains and the meadow. They then began to discuss how this is different to where we live in Stoke-on-Trent. We…
Forest School
Today we have enjoyed bug hunting, mud painting, making wands by tying knots and making observational drawings of insects.
Difficult decimals!
This week in Maths, we have had a challenging week but Manatees have shown resilience in tackling some tricky decimal questions!
The Great Bread Bake Off!
This week in Design and Technology we have been practising different shaping designs for when we make our own bread!
Character Roleplay!
This week we have taken part in some role play to explore our characters (in our new text 'The Firework Maker's Daughter) thoughts, feelings and emotions!
The Great Bread Bake Off!
This week in Design and Technology we have been practising different shaping designs for when we make our own bread!
Creating the Three Little Pigs' houses using different materials
We used different materials from the story 'The Three Little Pigs' to create our own houses. We used our knowledge of the story to collage the three houses built by the Three Little Pigs - straw, sticks and bricks. After creating our artwork, we enjoyed discussing the suitability of each material…
Our Trip to Pets at Home
In Ducklings we have been learning all about pets. What makes a good pet, what would not make a good pet and how to take care of them. The children have learnt about animals basic needs such as food, water, medicine and their need for care and love.
we had a great time at pets at home because we…
Junk Modelling!
We love junk modelling! We thought about what we would like to build and then independently chose our resources. We thought about where and how to stick them, what shapes may represent my model and enjoyed describing them to our friends.
We had lots of different models such as rockets, cars,…
2D Shapes and their Properties
This week in maths we have used the play dough to make different 2D shapes. We are super confident with their names and we were able to discuss some of their properties. We focused on using words such as ‘curved and straight’. The children could recall how many sides and corners the shapes had and…