Science Day
We enjoyed a Science assembly as part of our celebrations for British Science Week. The Science Boffins wowed us with some exciting demonstrations, including chemical reactions and the how different forces act upon objects. We all participated brilliantly and it was so lovely to see the children's…
Roman Day trip to Chester!
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their Roman day trip to Chester, where they experienced what it was like to be a Roman soldier in Britain!
Spectacular Space!
Today, Year 4 took part in some in incredible Science day activities, all about space, to celebrate British Science Week!
Floating and Sinking
Our second experiment of the day shocked us! We made our predictions that the egg would sink when put it in the water and when we tested our ideas we were right, it did sink.
Miss Mayer then gave us water with added salt. This tricked us and the egg floated at the top of the water!
Science Day
To celebrate Science day we explored colour mixing by making rainbows. We have been very interested in rainbows as we are moving in to Spring and seeing different weather types.
We coloured our rainbows and added water to watch them grow!
Finding our favourite Dipper!
Year 1 have spent their DT lesson using their senses to find their favourite dipper . They tasted cucumber, breadstick, carrot and tortilla crisps! Their firm favourite was tortilla crisps with 18 of 30 voting for it.
Reflecting Shapes!
This week in Maths, Y6 have learnt how to reflect shapes in both the x and y axis. This is a tricky skill that requires precision however, Y6 worked hard to produce some fantastic work. Well done Y6!
Funky fingers!
Our year two funky fingers learned how to finger knit! With patience and skill we made some colourful bangles!
Matching animal mothers to their young
Today in science and as part of our spring topic, the children have been looking at matching farm animal mothers to their offspring. We looked at animals such as cows, sheep, chickens and horses. They were able to name the animals and their young and match them up correctly.
Playing the glockenspiels
We enjoyed playing the glockenspiels for the first time this week! We played along to nursery rhymes, first of all matching the rhythm, and then tapping to the beat!
Automata Animals
Today we have started our new DT topic of automata animals, this has been presented to us linked to the WWF and our first task was to investigate the way animals moved and what sort of environment they lived in, we looked at a range of animals such as tortoises and penguins!
Athens and Sparta!
In our History lesson this week, Y6 explored the two Greek city-states of Athens and Sparta. We showcased our learning through drawing the key elements of the Greek city-states and annotating our drawings identifying the different buildings and areas that would have been found in each of the…