Image of Planning for our Independent write!
1 December 2023

Planning for our Independent write!

On Wednesday year 4 started planning for their independent writes. We had some insightful discussions and worked together on whiteboards to create some high level sentences using our year 4 skills together!

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Image of Maths Multiplication
1 December 2023

Maths Multiplication

This week Year 4 have been practising their multiplication skills, some of us have even challenged ourselves to use our skills to answer difficult reasoning and problem solving questions!

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Image of Year 4s adventure down to the woods
1 December 2023

Year 4s adventure down to the woods

Today Year 4 went down to our local woods in forest school to explore nature on a beautiful frosty morning!

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Image of Features of a book
1 December 2023

Features of a book

This week we have been reading one of our treasure stories ‘What About Me’. We listened to the story and took part in extended discussions about the characters and key events in the story. 
To begin with we discussed the two features of a book we have been focusing on - the title and…

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Image of Practising our Grammar Skills
30 November 2023

Practising our Grammar Skills

Today we have looked at a range of grammar skills that we have covered so far this  year in preparation for our Grammar Test next week!

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Image of Earth and Space
30 November 2023

Earth and Space

In our Science lesson this week, we have been modelling the movement of the Earth, Sun and Moon. We then made a model and wrote a short explanation in our books. 

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Image of Sorting by Shape
30 November 2023

Sorting by Shape

The children have been learning all about shapes this week. We have been focusing on sorting  simple 2D shapes into groups. The children are focusing on recognising the shapes in different ways such as size and colour but knowing they are still the same shape represented in different ways. They…

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Image of ❄️ Exploring a Frosty Morning ❄️
30 November 2023

❄️ Exploring a Frosty Morning ❄️

This morning the children were showing a strong interest in the frosty morning. We discussed what we could see and feel this morning as a group and we then recapped previously taught knowledge of Autumn. 
We talked about Autumn having lots of different weather types over the month. 

We then…

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Image of Amazing maths!
30 November 2023

Amazing maths!

Today in maths we have been exploring how to practically find two parts and name the whole up to 5. Some of us were also able to answer a reasoning question relating to the composition of numbers up to 5. We are super mathematicians!

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Image of Latin Learners
30 November 2023

Latin Learners

Today we used roleplay to act out a storyboard in Latin! We used what we already knew to build on our knowledge to translate and practise in our pairs. 

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Image of Activism Posters!
30 November 2023

Activism Posters!

For the last few weeks, Y6 have been creating activism posters inspired by something which they feel passionate about. We began our artistic journey by creating the canvas for our poster using wallpaper and a collaging method. This effect has been really effective in giving our posters an…

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Image of Marvellous Metric Measures!
30 November 2023

Marvellous Metric Measures!

This week, Y6 have started their new Maths topics entitled ‘Converting Units’. This week we have been learning all about metric measures and converted them using division and multiplication. Y6 are doing really well with this topic so far, keep up the super work! 

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